Senin, 29 April 2013


          Internet cafe or can be referred to as "Warnet", now many places like this around us. Internet cafe is useful for people who are around him ranging from students and from the elementary school, junior high, and high school students, and many more. In the Internet cafe, we can do many things, for example we can figure out a lot about what kind of information via the internet as on education for self-taught, technological developments, the place to look for information on job vacancies and more.

        One of them is Internet cafe that my environment and when the Internet cafe was established since 2011 until now. Internet cafe is first started up from the stage that the term was originally pioneered small capital that had recently opened when there are only five to seven computers has now grown to ten more computers that are provided there. There are also extras like a printer to do the printing, there is for scanning, for burning CD / DVD and even combined with the addition of credit sales for its income, and sell food and drinks as well so that the wearer does not get bored being there.

           The business conducted by the founders the internet cafe is very good because he can look and find business opportunity which time it is being required by local residents. Examples beenfeeling advantage of the internet cafe is myself, while before i have laptops, the internet cafe was really useful for me because of the internet cafe is not hard to do my duty tuition given by a lecturer. Besides much information from there because i can get what i need to find online.

           The founder of Internet cafe is taking the theme for his seat in the sitting in order to make use of the existing space in the room that is available there and the term space to seat a fair area so that internet users would not quickly feel tired. In addition the Internet Cafe operates the system open until 24 hours almost every day. The schedule is open for 24 hours and early open place that start from 9.00 am, also applied to the system packet for use or rental from 3 hour packet priced at Rp 7,000 there is also a packet of 5 hours at a price of Rp. 10,000 even there is also a special “Gaming” and is applied from the hours of the night and it's usually the packet 10 hours at a price of Rp. 20,000.

           To print the rate according to the type of printing that will print for each painting, so that there is a kind of printed b/w (black/white) and the type of color. For the price per sheet prints type B/W usually per book and IDR Rp.300 - Rp. 500 and for the types could be priced from Rp. 1,000 - Rp. 2,000 per sheet depending on how many prints are in per sheet. Rates for scans usually IDR Rp.1,500 per sheet and for Burning CD/DVD price of Rp. 3,000 - Rp. 5,000 perCD/DVD depending on the data that will be burning.

       Each of the users or tenants can use the computers in the Internet Cafe it interchangeably because of the internet there were divided on multiple computers by using a hardware commonly called ”Router MIkrotik” is useful to perform the Division to each computer bandwitch is in the room so that the later Division of bandwitch between computers with each other to be balanced. In addition to limiting the use of the use of the number of hours and the package has been used applied application “Billing” which is useful for performing calculations automatically packet that have been used by the user to the selected packet.     

          With efforts like this alone though not so big is good and revenue earned every month is huge also and founder of Internet caf are also very helpful people around so that people around him it could be greatly helped by the existence of INTERNET CAFE has been established.

Jumat, 29 Maret 2013

Example of Order Letter

Jakarta, March 30, 2013
PT. Handmade Shoes Brodo
Jln. Bandung Raya No. 22

Dear Mr. Fandy Simanuel,

At the time I was doing a search on the types of boots that have good quality and the price is also in accordance with the quality, I found the link to your website on the internet that sell the type of quality boots along with other accessories. I'm interested in the quality of the boots you offer on your website and I am very confident in the quality of the goods you sell.

Incidentally, I also have a shoe store in the Jakarta area, and I intend to order some products and would like to do the same job later. for the first book, I'll make a reservation a few products that I want, that is:

1. 6 pairs of boots Signore Red Brown size 38-44, Rp. 495.000,00.
2. 6 pairs of boots IL Signore Vintage Wood sizes 38-44,, Rp. 595.000,00
3. 6 pairs of boots Signore Vintage Grey Black Sole size 38-44, Rp. 495.000,00
4. 6 pieces Brodo bag Messenger Bag Navy Genuine Leather and Canvas, Rp. 495.000,00
5. 6 pieces Brodo bag Messenger Bag Brown Genuine Leather and Canvas, Rp. 495.000,00
6. 6 pieces Brodo Messenger Bag Black Genuine Leather and Canvas, RP. 495.000,00

I expect delivery of goods can be sent before 5 April 2013 and covered insurance products from your company. I will make the payment through bank transfer SELF and prngiriman goods please use JNE delivery services. No. I address Jln.Cilandak Raya No. 10, Telp. : 021913724, Mobile: 0856910091991. I am very happy if the future of your company and I can collaborate on business boots and other accessories that your company's production.

Yours sincerely,

Angga Septian Nugroho

Note : The reason I ordered the product from your company, as I saw in terms of quality of materials you use are very good and it is made of genuine cow leather, and the manufacturing process is also filled with great precision to produce a good product and high quality. Besides the model offered is also good shoes and keep abreast of current models. Then there are other accessories products which have good quality as well as bags, wallets, sandals, clothes, and many others.

Selasa, 22 Januari 2013


Disusun Oleh :

Nama                   :  Angga Septian Nugroho
          NPM                   :          21109631
          Kelas                   :            4KB01
Jurusan               : Sistem Komputer
          Mata Kuliah       : Pengantar Robotika

Universitas Gunadarma

Perkembangan Robot

Robot adalah suatu mesin yang secara otomatis dapat melakukan pekerjaan sendiri dimana sebelumnya mesin robot ini sudah diprogram untuk menjalankan suatu pekerjaan. Pada perkembangannya robot sudah mengalami kemajuan yang pesat, sebagai contoh robot ASIMO yang dikembangkan oleh Honda. ASIMO adalah satu satu contoh robot yang menyerupai manusia baik model maupun sifatnya.  Perkembangan penelitian ASIMO dapat dilihat pada gambar 1.

Gambar 1. Perkembangan penelitian robot ASIMO

Robot dapat dimanfaatkan di segala bidang mulai dari industry hingga militer. Pada dunia industry, robot banyak digunakan untuk merakit peralatan dengan presisi yang tinggi seperti yang terlihat pada gambar 2. Sedangkan di dunia milter, robot banyak digunakan untuk berperang ataupun menjinakan bom.

Gambar 2. Robot yang digunakan pada industri

Beberapa akhir tahun ini, robot banyak digunakan untuk membantu kegiatan rutin manusia di rumah seperti membersihkan lantai, memasak hingga mengajak bermain. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa robot banyak diterima hampir dikalangan manusia dengan berbagai latar belakang yang dimiliki.

Robotics Studio 2008 R3

Microsoft Robotics Studio merupakan produk inovasi berbasis Windows dektop yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft untuk membantu para akademisi, para hobi, dan programmer untuk membuat aplikasi robot tanpa harus memikirkan kompetibilitas dengan berbagai hardware. Produk ini dapat dijumpai diwebsite Microsoft pada alamat  .
Saat ini Microsoft sudah meluncurkan Robotics Studio 2008 R3 yang mana produk ini dapat diunduh secara gratis dan bebas digunakan. Pembaca dapat mengunduh tool ini di website Microsoft pada alamat berikut.

Robotics Studio 2008 R3 mempunyai fitur yang merupakan penyempurnaan dari produk sebelumnya. Secara umum, komponen-komponen pendukung pada Robotics Studio 2008 R3 dapat dilihat pada gambar 3.

Gambar 3. Komponen pada Robotics Studio 2008 R3

Gambar 4. Visual Programming Language (VPL)

Pada Microsoft Robotics Studio 2008 R3 masih disertakan fitur Visual Simulation Environtment ( VSE ), hal ini berkaitan dengan target user dari Microsoft Robotics Studio 2008 R3 yang sangat luas, dan dalam usaha untuk mempercepat laju dunia robotics developers dan laju tingkat adopsi robotics oleh manusia.

Visual Simulation Environtment ini dirancang untuk dapat digunakan menciptakan sebuah visualisasi berbagai macam jenis scenario lingkungan yang sangat membutuhkan ketepatan, dan scaling.


Dengan menggunakan simulation kita akan mendapatkan beberapa keuntungan daripada menggunakan robot / hardware yang real , selain karena harga real robot yang sangat mahal. Dan beberapa keuntungannya :

Low Barrier to Entry

Simulasi memungkinkan individu menggunakan komputer pribadi untuk mengembangkan robot yang sangat menarik atau kawanan robot dengan faktor utama yang menjadi penghalang adalah waktu dan imajinasi. sehingga para developer dapat memfokuskan upaya pada sesuatu yang dapat direalisasikan.

Staged Approach

Simulasi pada Microsoft Robotics Studio dapat melakukan pendekatan secara bertahap, sehingga memungkinkan pengembang untuk berurusan dengan kompleksitas pada waktu yang tepat. Ini berarti programmer dapat debug simulasi robot walaupun user masih primitif dan hanya membutuhkan pengetahuan dasar. Singkatnya, untuk menambahkan seperti suatu robot kedalam suatu simulasi dapat dilakukan dengan mudah, hanya dengan menambahkan beberapa bentuk sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan robot. Ini berarti debugging, dalam simulasi, lebih sederhana.

model fisik untuk suatu robot dan jasa simulasi yang menggunakan mereka dapat dikembangkan secara bersamaan oleh banyak individu, dan seperti banyak komunitas pengembangan perangkat lunak, menciptakan sebuah platform, yang dapat digunakan dan dimodifikasi tanpa perlu khawatir merusak robot unik yang sangat mahal harganya.


Simulasi dapat menjadi alat bantu pembelajaran yang sangat berguna. programmer dapat memilih apa yang harus menjadi fokusnya, antara membangun kompleksitas, dan kontrol lingkungan. Programmer juga dapat memperkenalkan komponen yang murni virtual, konsep yang tidak dapat dengan mudah direalisasikan, tapi masih berguna untuk pembelajaran.

Learning System

Aspek lain yang menarik adalah bahwa simulasi dapat digunakan ketika robot sedang berjalan, sebagai alat prediktif atau diawasi modul belajar. Untuk beberapa waktu, pengembang telah menggunakan simulasi berjalan bersamaan dengan robot aktif untuk mencoba hal-hal dalam simulasi dunia yang diperbaharui real-time dengan data sensorik. Kemudian simulasi yang dapat memberitahu mereka, secara kemungkinan, jika sesuatu adalah ide yang bagus. Hampir melihat ke depan dalam berbagai kemungkinan.

Kelemahan dan Keterbatasan Sistem Simulasi

Walaupun memiliki beberapa keuntungan akan tetapi tetap saja sistem simulasi yang dikembangkan pada Microsoft Robotics Studio memiliki beberapa kelemahan dan keterbatasan , hal ini berkaitan dengan antara memindahkan sebuah hardware kedalam sebuah perangkat lunak.

Beberapa kelemahan dan keterbatasan :

Lack of Noisy Data

Noisy Data pada simulasi tidaklah sekomplek seperti pada dunia yang nyata, dimana seperti yang udah ane jelasin di awal bahwa tantangan terbesar bagi Robotics Developer adalah menciptakan robot yang dapat menghindari semua rintangan yang menghalanginya.

Incomplete and Inaccurate Models

Sejumlah besar efek di dunia nyata masih sangat sulit untuk dimodel. Ini berarti programmer tidak mungkin dapat semua model akurat, khususnya dalam dunia nyata. Untuk domain tertentu, seperti kendaraan beroda, gerak pada kecepatan rendah masih merupakan tantangan besar bagi mesin simulasi.

Lots of Time for Tuning

Dalam lingkungan simulasi, itu sebenarnya sangat mudah untuk mendapatkan robot di dunia maya berjalan sekitar berinteraksi dengan objek lain. Namun, masih memerlukan upaya yang signifikan untuk menyempurnakan perangkat keras disimulasikan, yang disebut entitas, untuk berperilaku seperti dunia nyata mereka bagian counter. Dengan menggunakan NVIDIA PhysX ™ ™, programmer sudah memiliki titik awal yang sangat baik. Namun, usaha lebih banyak dibutuhkan dalam mengembangkan alat otomatis untuk simulasi .

Komponen – komponen dalam Simulation

The Simulation Engine Service - bertanggung jawab untuk rendering entitas dan kemajuan waktu simulasi untuk mesin fisika serta menyediakan pelayanan / front end yang diditribusikan untuk simulasi.

The Managed Physics Engine Wrapper - abstrak pengguna dari tingkat rendah physics engine API, serta mengatur antarmuka untuk simulasi fisika.

The Native Physics Engine Library - memungkinkan akselerasi hardware melalui ™ NVIDIA PhysX ™ Technology, yang mendukung akselerasi hardware melalui prosesor ™ Teknologi NVIDIA PhysX ™. Ini tersedia di kartu tambahan PhysX ™ Accelerator untuk PC.

Entities - merupakan perangkat keras dan benda-benda fisik dalam simulasi dunia. Sejumlah entitas datang standar dengan RDS dan memungkinkan pengguna untuk dengan cepat mengumpulkan mereka dan membangun platform kaya robot disimulasikan dalam berbagai lingkungan virtual.

Berikut ini langkah-langkah instalasi Robotics Studio 2008 R3:

1. Klik file Robotics Studio 2008 R3 sehingga kita akan memperoleh kotak dialog instalasi.

2. Klik tombol install sehingga kita akan memperoleh kotak dialog Welcome.
3. Untuk memulai,klik tombol Next.
4. Selanjutnya, kitaakan memperoleh kotak dialog Licence Agreement.
5. Pilih accept the terms in the licensence agreement, dengan cara megekliknya.
6. Jika selesai, klik tombol Next.
7. Selanjutnya, kita akan memperoleh kotak dialog Customer Feedback.
8. Pilih sesuai keinginan, pembaca dapat mgabaikan ini.
9. Jika selesai, klik tombol Next.
10. Kemudian kita akan memperoleh kotak dialog tipe instalasi
11. Pilih complete untuk instalsai seluruh komponen atau Custom kalau ingin instalasi untuk spesifik komponen.
12. Klik tombol next
13. Selanjutnya akan muncul konfirmasi instalasi
14. Klik tombol install
15. System akan melakukan instalasi sesuai dengan komponen yang dipilih
16. Klik tombol finish

Hardware Robot
Ada banyak pilihan untuk hardware robot yang kompetibel dengan Robotics Studio 2008 R3 bahkan pembaca dapat membuat sendiri hardware robot sesuai dengan kebutuhan.  Penulis akan memaparkan beberapa hardware robot yang dapat digunakan dan kompetibel dengan  Robotics Studio 2008 R3.

Contoh hardware robot yang dapat dipakai:
  • LEGO Mindstorms NXT
  • iRobot Create
  • Mobile Robots Pioner 3Dx
  • Parallax Boe-Bot
  • Lynx 6 Robotic Arm
  • Stinger, Traxster & Serializer
  • CoroBot
Berikut tampilan hardware robot




Bagi pembaca yang ingin memprogram robot tetapi hardware robot tidak ada punya, jangan berkecil hati karena Robotics Studio sudah menyediakan simulator robot yang disediakan untuk keperluan testing sebelum dilakukan deployment ke hardware robot. 

Pada Robotics Studio 2008 R3 sudah menyediakan simulator antara lain:

•    Apartment Environment 
•    Collada Scene
•    Entities
•    Factory
•    House Floor plab
•    iRobot Create Simulation
•    KUKA LBR3 Arm
•    Lego NXT Tribot Simulation
•    ModernHouse
•    Multiple Simulated Robots
•    Outdoor Environment
•    Pioner 3DX Simulation
•    Simple Simulated Robot
•    Simulated Air Resistance
•    Simulated Sumo
•    Urban Environment

Contoh tampilan simulasi robot Lego NXT Tribot yang dapat dilihat pada gambar 5.

Gambar 5. Contoh simulator robot Lego NXT

Sumber :

Senin, 21 Januari 2013


The letter is a letter of inquiry from prospective buyer to the seller requesting a quote. That is, the prospective buyer requested by letter that the seller should apply formally to him. With the offer of the seller will potential buyers will know the price, terms of sale and purchase, and a description of the goods or services to be purchased. This is the purpose of the prospective buyer a written request to the seller offers. When a prospective buyer has to know the condition of the goods / services following the price and terms of sale and purchase, of course he did not need to ask for a quote from the seller.

Letter of inquiry required in formal trade demand formal procedures formally in writing. A large company as a salesman, for example, is not to simply serve the solicitation of an offer over the phone. Letter of inquiry is often an early stage of the business transactions. Through a letter of inquiry to ask a potential buyer or to request information about the goods or services to be purchased. In reaction, the seller explaining things to the buyer make an order and ultimately business transactions as the top buying and selling process.

An example of a letter ordering the block style format and without form:

Jakarta, January 22, 2013        
Jln. Cilandak Kingdom No 22
Jakarta 12550

Dear Mr. Reno Simanjuntak

At the moment we're looking at sports exhibition in Senayan Jakarta last month, we visited one booth that was held by your company and we are interested in sports you have to offer at the time there was an opening 
stand there. We believe the quality of sports equipment that you offer.

We of the Club Futsal "Santos El Real" want to order some products for futsal club and we want to make a reservation a few products that we want the message, namely:

1. 12 pairs of shoes SPECS  futsal size 38-45
2. 12 pairs of shoes PUMA  football size 38-45
3. 4 dozen Adidas FC Real Madrid club t-shirt size M and XL

we expect delivery of products can be shipped before 2 February 2013, and the insurance covered products from your company. we will issue payment via Bank BCA transfer and delivery of the product please use JNE delivery services. The address of our Futsal Club in Jln. Manggarai Southern Kingdom 20, phone: 021-7817818. We are very happy if you can work with our Futsal Club. So we make a reservation.


Angga Septian Nugroho
Managers Club Futsal Santos El Real


Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Inquiry letter of English Business Letter

Definition: a letter of request, also known as a letter of the candidate or a letter of interest, will be sent to the companies. A letter of request is a letter from the prospective buyer to the seller that it asked for information on the products offered. With offers from prospective buyers later sellers will know the price, as well as buying and selling, and a description of the goods or services to be purchased. This was the purpose of the prospective buyer to write a letter request to the seller. When prospective buyers know the condition of the goods/services below the price and terms of sale and purchase, of course he no longer need to request quotes from vendors. The letter requests a quote is required in formal trade demand official procedures in writing. The letter requests often is the initial stage of the process of business transactions. By mail request a quote or ask the prospective buyer asks for a description of the goods or services to be bought. As reaksin.

Sample Inquiry letter
On example, a letter below there are several the part to be included, and become one the form of a letter price list, as with a request and then there are sample of the of product which was asked, in the form of a booklet , after there is also the process of supply of goods to be ordered in the future, and to be stated also request information from terms of payment, terms of delivery, and method of transport. In the writing of letters below wearing a kind of writing “SEMI BLOCK”,  And following the example of the letter to:

PT Anymous Electronics
JL. Mangga Dua NO. 32 Jakarta
Zip Code 13245 Ph. (027) 554 678, Fax (027) 678 345,
Bankers: BNI, BCA

November 31, 2012

Designation. Director CV SONY ELEKTRIKA
JL. Gajah Mada No. 107 E

Dear Sirs,

With this we inform you that our company would like to develop business in the field of electronic equipment, especially electronic equipment televisions, washing machines, and refrigerators.

With the increase in customers in our company are soaring rapidly, so we want to offer our cooperation so that the company can meet the demands of consumers, which are mainly electronic goods that have brand SONY.

In this regard, we would ask you to send the price list of electronic devices that have the brand SONY to us and if there is a sample of the products that you have we asked for Plavix in the form of brochures and asked to be attached. In addition we ask for particulars of:
1. payment terms,
2. delivery terms,
3. how to send the goods,
4. nature of the offer
5. pieces are given, and
6. other information relating to the terms of the sale of goods, including VAT and MPO.

So our request, for your attention and we thank you in the future we can work together. Furthermore, can immediately make an offer price in order to determine how much money will we spend later at the time of bidding takes place.


Director PT. Anymous Electronics

Besides here i want to add some examples certificate like the example letter from a priced list; certificate example, product letter from bidding, and certificate payment. Following example of the certificate:

Sample Inquiry letter of   Price List

JL. Mangga Dua NO. 32 Jakarta
Zip Code 13245 Ph. (027) 554 678, Fax (027) 678 345, E-mail:
Bankers: BNI, BCA

24 November 2012
Number: 845/SR-V/79
Subject: Demand a priced list
Designation. Director CV WENKA ELEKTRIKA
JL. Gajah Mada No. 107 E

With respect,

We hereby inform the Brothers that our company wants to develop business in the field of electronic tools, especially on television, elektonik tool washing machines, and refrigerators.

With an increase in consumers in our company, then we want to meet consumer demand, especially SONY brand.

With regard to this, so the brother send price list of SONY to us, and if there is a brochure please do attach. In addition we request information regarding:
1. payment terms,
2. delivery terms,
3. how to send stuff,
4. the nature of the offer of
5. the pieces that were given, and
6. other information relating to the terms of the sale and purchase of goods include VAT and MPO. So our request, the attention of our brother thank you sincerely,


Sample Inquiry letter of   Sample of  Product

Alonso Royal Enterprise
Jln. Peace Park IV Block D14 / No. 10th
Sunday Market Tel. 021 55751737
City of Jakarta 12550
Jakarta - Indonesia

Jakarta, 31 November 2012
No. Reff. 018 / Eje-Mark/SP/2012
Dear Purchasing Manager
KFC Restaurant
Jln. Ciputat Kingdom
South Jakarta

Up.Catrine handayani
Subject: Offer Liquid Hand Soap
Dear Sirs, We hereby submit our offer letter to the mother of the products we produce are as follows:

1) Royal Clean Hand Soap Liquid
Is a hand dishwashing liquid soap is a very hygienic because it contains an excellent antiseptic to kill germs and bacteria on our hands. So here we want to offer our products and would like to a member's suggestion to let you use this product before and after eating.
Price Rp. 50.000,-contents 5 litres per gallon
Compared with the price in the regular market which almost Rp 125,000,-per gallon contents 5 litres, and dimisalkan the number of outlets in A & amp;There is a Restaurant/W-170 Outlet then could do a fuel economy of Rp. 12.750.000,-per month
Here we provide a sample for a test wash
So we sent this letter of offer in the hope there will be a beneficial relationship of both parties in the future and if there are any questions please contact us on 021 5545343 or by going to our HP 085761821910. Your attention and wisdom given before we say thank you.

Alonso Royal Enterprise,

Sample Inquiry letter of  Quotation

Jakarta, 10 September 2012
PT. Bintang Kejora
In, -
No. : 098/PNR/2011
It: The Supply of Goods and Services
Lamp. : 1 Files

With respect,

 To this letter we intend to introduce our company PT. Procurement Services, to Mr./Director of PT. Bintang Kejora on JL. Senopati No. 255 of Jakarta.

We are a company engaged in the procurement of goods and services installation installation litrik and have experienced pairing of electricity in commercial buildings or shops.

Therefore according to the information we have acquired, PT. Bintang Kejora is a property company which is developing very rapidly and will build again the building of shops and offices.

In respect of it, we ask a quote for installation and electrical installation according to our field. We hope that this proposal can be realized in the form of cooperation so as to benefit both parties.

If the company Mr. interested we are ready to conduct further talks So this letter of offer we provide, your attention and cooperation we convey many  thanks.


 PT. Procurement Services