The letter is a communication tool that is made in writing
to convey the news/information from the person / institution / agency /
institution to a person / Agency by following the rules and specific form.
To be able to make a good letter, you must meet the following Criteria, namely:
1. languages used in accordance with the ethics, aesthetics, and logic.
2. interesting,
solid, and clear.
3. the language
used can represent the content and the purpose of the letter.
In addition to the criteria, the paper also has a function, namely:
1. authors/organizations, Ambassadors to talk face to face with friends so that the contents of a letter describing the image author.
2. written
document, i.e. for real evidence of black on white.
3. the guidelines
of the work, to make a decision/policy next.
4. reminder Tool,
which can be archived and viewable if needed.
5. Evidence of
historical/history, that describes the development of an agency/institution.
The term letter is not a new thing or alien to the
community. The letter is usually used one to get the message across in writing
both personal interests, governmental departments, as well as business. And
here I will explain about the business letter is like what, type anything and there are some parts of the
business, ranging from a description of the part as well as examples of the
suratmya section.
In General, the definition and understanding of the
business letter is a letter that is used by a person, organization or
institution which agencies deliver business messages in writing to the other
party by using certain media whether it be mail delivery via post, phone or
faksmilie, via the internet.
Examples of business letters are as varied in number, for example:
a. can include working warrant.
b. letter of introduction
of the business.
c. a letter
ordering the product.
d. Letter moved
Office address.
e. billing
f. letter of
cooperation contracts.
g. letter of
h. letters of
i. the summons.
Here are some examples of business letter layout:
- Layout Of Business English Letter
And so here I
will explain about the part on the Picture Layout Of Business English Letter:
1. Letter Head
Commonly referred to also as the head of the letter, on business letters also known as headers, headers is the title or information on selembaran of paper mail. The content of the information usually consists of your name, address, telephone number, and company logos or designs, and sometimes the background pattern. Letterhead of this term often used to refer to the entire printed sheets such as Headings.
Some examples of the letter head :

Sample 1
Sample 2
In addition the
Head of the letter (Letter Head) there are some elements which are:
"Head of the
letter contained several elements, namely"
a. Main Elements
(The main elements)
Includes: company
name, address, phone number.
company name address phone number"
b. Additional
Element (Additional elements)
Includes: Logo or
symbol, line of business.
"Include a
logo or symbol of business"
PT. Computer
Kh.Noer Ali Road
Post Box 52 10 Bekasi 43XX
Phone (021)
Fax (021) 456XXX
PT. Computer
Kh.Noer Ali Road
Post Office Box 52 10 Bekasi 43xx
Phone (021) 423XXX
Facsimile (021)
2. Date
Date is the calendar which means appointing the date, month, and year. The placement of the date headers are normally located top right corner under the Letter Head.
To Date in the form of writing business letters can be distinguished into two forms:
1. Date in British
Style in the United Kingdom the British Language, usually written before the day of the calendar month, for writing an exact date, you need to know before ordering in the British system, sorting in the United Kingdom as follows:
1. first: First (-st)
2. Second: Second
3. Third: Third
While writing the date ends with number 4 - 10. Can use the suffix (-th) the end of the number.
For example:
When writing the date of 1 January 2011, then that should be noted is the date ending in 1, then use the suffix at the end of number 1. So that the writing be 1st January 2011, if you are writing for the 7th of January 2011, then writing it is the 7th of January, 2011.
For example:
2. The Date In The American Style
In the language of United Kingdom America can write dates using only numbers, the most common form is:
(month/day/year) or month-day-year November/02/2010
Please note that 5/10/2011 usually means the date 5 october 2011 in the United Kingdom the British Language, and in the United Kingdom America could mean the date 10 may 2011. To avoid confusion, it should be able to spell or use month abbreviations.
3. Inside the Address
Inside the Address is addressing which means the address of the recipient of the letter. On writing is the name, address, postal code, and country.
Dr. Calvin Carson
Cross Country
Dept. of
Community College at Cripple Creek
4. References
Contains a reference that makes it easy for senders and recipients conducting documentation or archiving of previous conversations to reference writing can be underlined text, write the reference for the respondent.
An example of the format will look like this:
Your Ref: KPS/C3. If you want to add a reference from the delivery, writing format: “Ref: Con/13/1” or “Our Ref: Con/13/1”.
5. Salutation
The Salutation hotel is welcome. The practice of business can use corresponding salutation or greeting greetings to initiate the content or intent of the letter. Each form of greeting in business mail has a prevalence rate of keformalan and different. Business letters are not as free as social or personal letter mail in placing salutation.
A. for a very formal Business correspondence
• Dear Madam
• Dear Mesdames:
• Dear Sir:
• Dear Sirs:
• Dear Sir or
• Sir:
• Madam:
• Mesdames:
• Sir or Madam:
• Sirs or
B. For business correspondence in the redirect not to a particular person in the company.
• Ladies and Gentlemen:
• Gentlemen:
• Ladies:
C. For Business Correspondence that is formal, yet still have the feel of hospitality.
• Dear Mr. Kunjana:
• Dear Mr.
• Dear Messrs.
• Kunjana and
• Dear Mr. and
Mrs. Kunjana Reni:
There are several ways to write the welcome if you do not know the name of one of the intended recipients.
A. British English
1. Dear Sir/Dear Sirs = if male recipients
2. Dear Madam =
if the recipient Woman
3. Dear Sir or
Madam = if the recipients do not know sex
B. America English
1. Gentlemen = if the recipient female
2. Ladies = if
the recipient woman
3. Ladies and
Gentlemen = if the recipient is unknown the type of gonads, or
4. To whom it may
concern = if the recipient is unknown the type of gonads In the American style,
use of punctuation ' colons '
-Dear Mr. Fachmi:
6. Subject
The Subject of the meaning in the Indonesian Language is Subject. That is about the contents of the letter with the reason he made a letter by the author to the addressee or at least understand an overview of the contents of the mail message content of the business. Subject line or the subject line rendering is placed above the salutation. The Subject can be written or typed in all uppercase or all lowercase.
Subject: The
Illustrated Catalogue
7. The Body Of The Letter
Part of the Body of a Letter or letter of nucleus is the core content of the business letter. in the core of the letter, the writer trying to make anything that will communicated may be well received by the readers of the letter. If the core communication between the sender and receiver of letter case (interwoven) properly, it can be said that the content of the letter has met the criteria of effectiveness and communicative.
Sample from the Body of the Letter:
8. Complementary
Close-up Complementary Parts vary widely both in form and style of writing on the welcome section or part of the letter opener (salutation). Complementary forms of Close to parallel or in line with the form of salutation.
Here it conveys shapes business letter cover to greetings based on the level of keformalannya. From the highest to the lowest.
British style :
Truly yours,
Faithfully yours,
Sincerely yours,
Cordially yours,
American style :
Yours truly,
respectfully Yours cordially
9. Signature
Most companies or institutions do not use Company Signature (the signature of the company) in the mail business. Instead, they use the personal signature or personal signature of the Chairman of the company or institution that has the right to represent the company or institution in performing the duties and responsibilities of his business.
However, if a Company Signature or the signature of the company used, Bukowski was put under Close and complementary section of typed letters all capital.
Yours truly,
Yours faithfully
Very truly yours,
Respectfully yours,
10. Enclosure
This section only rendered if there are attachments-attachments will be included in the business. The writing of the Enclosure or attachment helps the author, recipient, and the Secretary to know-attachment the attachment observe the completeness that is included. If attachments-attachments is incomplete or does not correspond to the written, the control can be easily done, as for writing variation can be observed on the Enclosure.
Example :
1. Comtract
2. Cheque
3. Memo
Contract Enc.
Encl.: Contract
11. Postscript
Postscript is double-spaced under the signature or initials reference. A brief note is added when the end of a letter. Placed at the bottom left of the letter, before 24-cc.
- P. S. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illume u feuqiat nulla facilisis.
12. Carbon Copy letter
Notation Notation (carbon copy notation) is only written when letter writing was about to deliver a duplicate of the letter to the parties, with the content format, as well as everything is exactly the same as the original letter sheet. In writing it, carbon copy notation can be abbreviated to CC followed colon or point two, or it could be with a cc (lowercase) that is also followed by a colon.
CC: Managing Director
Academic Director
Form and style that were on english business letter
A business letter were critical to korespodensi business. Format used for writing letters particular enterprise. Means a business letter look like this matters because create impressions on readers. Format letter companies have many done to making an impression upon readers. A simple format of a help deliver messages it clear to readers.
Based on identasi and penyelarasan paragraph, there are five format is used in writing letters business. Namely:
1. Semi-block format
Semi-blok fromat: in a format this text parallel left and all paragraphs in the letter is indented. Format shape on this letter on letter head, date, complementary a close, and signature being in a position flattened right. In the layout uneven right, but can dibilangg flattened middle. Other parts on a letter as inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter, and enclosure if terdapatnya attachment letter,Being flattened on the left.
example: semi-block format :

2. The Modified
Block Format
Blocks modified:
this format has a section that is not diimbangin. text is aligned on the left
side of the top. Only the writing address, date (on the left-align layout) and
a letter of closure shifted to the middle or right side of the paper.

Sample 1
Sample 2
The accountant jaya
Abimanyu 12
Jakarta central road
Number: 1.
April 7, 2007
notification of
CV. “Karya Indah“
Raden Saleh
Street 14
Masters letters,
Reply to the
Honorable Masters a week ago, we hereby inform that the report from the expert
Examiner of Trade Books we've sent to the Master sa-tu months ago. Perhaps the
report is not up to the masters.
As it turns out
in the balance sheet profit Masters in 2003 amounted to Usd 120 million. We
consider this advantage is still less bulky, tracing the absence CV master who
is quite large and memuskan. We dare make sure bah-wa profit in the coming year
could reach 10% more if dija-lankan more thoroughly. Fare outposts for example
can certainly be reduced by several hundred thousand dollars.
We further
recommend that a capital increase Landowner Mr considering the results obtained
in the Masters a year ago is not difficult to find the needed capital. So our
suggestions in brief, to explore all of our Master parts CV survivors read the
report last.
Office Accountant Jaya
Own Name
3. Full block
Writing on full
block style: business letter usually located on flattened left as letter head,
date, inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter, complementary a
close, signature or as a whole of format letter being in a position flattened
Following example
full block format:

4. This format
Indented Style
On the first line
at the beginning of each paragraph starts with a few spaces from the left side,
the distance is usually 1 cm spacing. the writing inside the address and
signature section is done identasi. The magnitude of the identasi on each line
is directly proportional to the order line. For example the first line does not
do identasi, on the second row done identasi 0, 5 cm, in the third line is also
done identasi 1 cm, etc. On the first line of every paragraph begins a few
spaces from the left side. Usually 1 cm spacing distance from the left border.
Here's An Example
Of Indented Style:
Sample 1
5. Hanging Style
Hanging Style is
the Format paragrafnya hang, or leaning more to the left. the form of this
letter on letter head, date, complementary close and signature are in the
position of the Middle letters. The other part on letters such as the inside
address, salutation, body, subject of letter are in the position of left-align.
at the beginning of the paragraph, paragraphs hanging is not berspasi.
Following Example Hanging Style:
Sample 1
Sample 2
jati waringin pondok gede
: 009/124/SMU/XIII/2009
Attachments : -
Subject :
Meeting Service
: Very Important
Mr / Ms Teachers and Staff Employees SMU Negeri 5
at -
Assalamu'alaikum wr. Wb.
In connection with the rise
of anarchist action and the more widespread use of illicit drugs among
students, it is very important that we act together, we hereby invite Mr / Mrs
to attend official meetings that we conduct.
The event, God willing, will
be held on :
Day : Saturday
August 15
Time : 08.00 s.d
Venue : Meeting Room
Similarly, we submit this
letter, hopefully the father / mother can understand.For your attention and
cooperation father / mother. We give thanks.Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Dr. Rizki
Pratama Indra.S,Pd
Principal SMUN 5 Bekasi
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